Saturday, January 25, 2014

CC 3.2

In a recent article entitled "Military Gender Issue Reignites as 45 Percent of Female Marines Fail Pull-up Test," Bob Adelmann, writer for The New American, informs readers of the gender issues in the military and how it affects women.

As the Marines plan to gradually incorporate more females into the armed forces, they are faced with problems. In his article, Bob stated that "females have been unable to complete tasks assigned to males in the Corps." In the infantry boot camp training, only 3 of 20 females actually made it through the course. Meanwhile, 221 of 266 men were able to complete the obstacle course. The low numbers of women achieving the tasks is forcing the Marines to consider lowering expectations for women to pass. They claim that will make the tests more equal for female soldiers.

Furthermore, even the women in the best shape struggle to pass the fitness tests. In an interview with Adelmann, Captain Maureen Krebs explained that "zero women have made it through [the] infantry officer training and only a handful have made it through the enlisted course." This means that women female soldiers are less likely to survive close combat. Some even say that women soldiers may not be able to help other soldiers on the field survive.

Finally, the testing requirements can be adjusted to an extent. Elaine Donnelly reported that "some allowances can be made for female Marines serving behind the lines, but they cannot be made for those intending to serve at the front." In order to ensure safety on the front lines, every soldier must be able to perform theirs tasks without any complications. Each soldier must trust another for the survival of combat.

I myself am considering the Army. To be successful, I will have to begin working out and build up strength in order to pass the fitness test.

Only time will tell how the Marines will equal the playing field for female soldiers.

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