Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Current Connection 5

In a recent article called "Intelligence officials: We knew attack in Benghazi was terrorist act from beginning," written by Andrea Mitchell, she talks about a terrorist attack on Benghazi.

Andrea states, " there was an attempt to whitewash the origins of the Benghazi attack to protect the president politically." The republicans believe the White House and intelligence have tried to deny and cover up evidence of an attack to ensure a victory. However, there are some things that are done to protect people, and to give them time to decide what they will do about the situation.

Rice said to the Press that the attacks began as "a spontaneous reaction to a video." A video made by a group of people was very disliked in the middle east, and can be blamed for attacks on americans at an embassy. But, full details of the attack can not be released until all investigations are complete.

I personally have been watching the news lately, there are many wars breaking out. I would be scared to live in those areas with guns and missiles going off all the time.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Current Event #4

In an article titled "Why Bacteria, But Not Humans, Can Live on Caffeine," Veronique Greenwood informs readers on scientific research about caffeine.

Veronique stated "humans don't get the energy, in the scientific sense, from caffeine." Humans can not break down the caffeine molecules far enough to get the energy. Veronique also wrote it is not "a problem for the new bacterium, Psuedomonas putida CBB5." P. putida CBB5 has the proper enzymes to break down caffeine and harvest the energy.

Greenwood stated that it may be possible "that there are some bacteria in our digestive system or elsewhere that can degrade caffeine." There may be some types of bacteria in human bodies that may allow us to get some of the energy form caffeine.

I personally have a cup of coffee every day, and I a little more energetic after drinking it.

Though scientist currently believe we do not get energy from coffee, we may one day find a way, or a bacteria, to help us get the energy from caffeine.

Current Event #3 The Flying Saucer

In an article titled "Government report on secret flying saucer program made available" Fox News informs readers of a document released about the Air Force building a flying saucer.

Fox News stated that the Air Force released "a document describing a secret program by the Air Force to build a flying saucer." The Air Force has the plan for a flying saucer, a craft that only aliens were thought to use. The flying saucer contract was with a Canadian company, Avro Aircraft Limited.

The Air Force claims the saucer "was designed to reach a top speed of Mach 4 and reach a ceiling of more than 100,000 feet." The craft is capable of climbing to 100,000 feet vertically and can land vertically as well. The flying saucer can achieve mach 4 with "six Armstrong Siddeley Viper Turbo jet" engines.

The Air Force stated a plan to "develop weapons suitable for the saucer." The saucer could be used for reconnaissance, intercepting, or light bombing. It's small and unusual shape can give it an advantage on the battlefield.

I would certainly like to learn more about the flying saucer.

The flying saucer is a unique craft that can be useful for the Air Force.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Book Review

Recently, I have read Shadow's Edge by Brent Weeks. The book is about a young assassin, named Kylar Stern. Kylar has a special power called ka' kari, which gives him strength, invisibility, combat skills, and even multiple lives. Kylar has a quest to kill the Godking, who is trying to controll the country. However, he promised his girlfriend that he would not kill anymore. When a girl he swore to protect, Uly, was kidnapped, he had no choice but to return to the old Kylar stern. He finds his way to the Godking and kills him, getting the land back for his friend, Logan Gyre, who was once a king. That leads to the third and final book of the series called Beyond the Shadows.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Current Event 2

In a very recent article by Alexandra Le Tellier in the LA Times entitled "Obama vs Romney-- prepping for a presidential debate rematch," Tellier discusses the recent debate and the upcoming debate.

President Obama and Romney have recently had a debate. Romney was declared the winner of the presidential debate. However, I do not believe he should have won. Tellier stated "the chronic flip-flopper changed his previous talking points." Romney lied his way through the debate, and changed his opinion so that it sounded right, trying to make himself look good. America does not need a leader who can not choose a side and stick with it. Tellier claimed that Romney "needs to back up his words with a plausible plan." He tends to say things without explaining how he is going to do it. Alexandra also stated "Romney’s numbers for rescuing the economy don’t add up." How could he help the economy if he can not make a decent plan? He must form a proper plan, and then back it up with solid evidence. Romney should also consider how his decision is going to affect the future.

America needs a leader that can choose a side and not lie their way through a debate. The tensions of the next debate could be higher than the last; Obama could come back with an even stronger strategy and win the debate. If Romney finds a way to support his ideas, he could win the next debate due to winning the previous debate.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Synthesis Essay

Should you be active in learning politics? America needs to have leaders that can run a country, and the citizens must understand how to keep their freedom. One should be involved in government.

     You must stand up for your freedom. Thomas Jefferson stated in the Declaration of Independence " It is the right of the people to alter or to abolish" the government. If the people disagree with how the government is running the country, then the citizens have the right to make changes, or completely get rid of the current government. However, a new government must be established. The citizens of America must dedicate themselves to keeping their freedom. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson stated "We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honour." Americans have to want their freedom; it can be taken away if we get careless. It is a citizens duty to fight for their rights and prevent the government taking the rights away.

     Men and women are created equally. Sojourner Truth was a women in the 1800's, that wanted to have the same rights that men had. In Ain't I A Women?, Sojourner stated "Where did your Christ come from? From God and a woman." Sojourner wanted men to realize that men and women are created equal. Men have no right to say women do not have the same rights as men do. Susan B. Anthony was a woman that believed women should be able to vote. She stated that in the preamble, it says " We the people of the United States." In that time, only men could vote, however women were people too. Susan said "it is a downright mockery to talk to women of their enjoyment of the blessings of liberty." She was angry that people talked about the freedom, but women were not allowed to vote. Saying women can not vote goes against the unalienable rights.

    A citizen should be involved in government. Understanding how it works and having the will to fight for your freedom is necessary to keep your freedom and prevent the government from taking your rights away.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Current Connections

In a recent article by Michael Birnbaum and Karen DeYoung in The Washington entitled "Most U.S. government workers, families evacuated from Tunisia, Sudan," Michael and Karen inform readers about protests against Americans across the world.

The Obama Administration has issued an evacuation for U.S. officials and their families, and warned Americans to avoid traveling to that part of the world. In more than 20 countries, "anti-American rage" has led to violent protest, killing four Americans. The events have weakened our diplomatic presence there, and leaves us with little to work with. The administration has tried to reach allies, and Hillary Clinton has spoken with several foreign leaders.

The president of Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, took action against the protest using police, making arrest, to help protect the U.S. Embassy. Morsi has been negotiating "more than $1 billion in aid, debt forgiveness and U.S. investments," when protesters, who were angry about a video that was made in the U.S. that supported anti-Isam. Prostesters broke into the Embassy, tore down the American flag, and burned it.

There is no way of telling when protest will be completely over, however, I hope it will be soon.

Monday, September 10, 2012

What does the new WTC mean?

The new World Trade Center building is going to be 1,776 feet tall. The designers of the new WTC purposely chose that number for the height. The number 1776 is the year America has won its independence. The designers may have chosen this height to show we are independent and want to keep our freedom.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Doug's Reading Bucket List

Shadow's Edge- By Brent Weeks: I have an interest in books with war, mages, and detailed writing. My Grandpa sent me this book and wanted me to read it. I have not read any books by Brent Weeks before. I have recently finished Shadow's Edge, and I was very pleased with it.

Beyond The Shadow's- By Brent Weeks: This is the third book of the Night Angel's series. I have not read the first book, but I have read Shadow's Edge. I was very pleased with how well it is written, and I look forward to reading this book. Brent Weeks did a good job on developing the characters and makes you feel like you are in the story.

Ghost Recon- By David Michaels: This is the First book of the series. Ghost Recon contains the content I believe makes a good book, action packed war. I personally get sucked into books with war. I would like to sit down and read it sometime. It would interesting to see a movie made about the book, and there has been video games made that where good, and it makes me want to read the book and see how accurate the games are to the book.

The Associate- By John Grisham: I am about to start reading this book. My dad and many teachers have said that John Grisham is a very good author, and I hope that I too, will be impressed by his work. I do not know if there is a movie, but if this book is good, then I will definitely look forward to seeing a movie based on the book.

Hunger Games- By Suzanne Collins: I have watched the movie, and I loved it. I have been told by many people that the book is really good. I would like to read the book and compare it to the movie to see which one is better. I wouldn't normally read a book like this, however, after seeing the movie and hearing about the other books, it seems like a very interesting story line.

The Chase- By Clive Cussler: My Grandpa has sent me this book. I do not know anything about it, and have not heard of the author. I plan to read it one day, and see if it is a good book. If it is a good book, then I will look forward to reading more of Clive Cussler.

The Ghost War- By Alex Berenson: This book sounds like a very interesting book. I do enjoy stories of war. They seem to have the most action and are very easy to get into. I have not heard of the author, but my Grandpa wants me to read this book.

The Hobbit- By J.R.R Tolkien: I have not read any of the other Lord Of The Rings books, however, I have seen all of the Lord Of The Rings movies, and they are very good. I have heard that the books are very well written and easy to get into. I look forward to reading The Hobbit.

Splinter Cell Conviction- By David Michaels: My Grandpa has sent me this book and wanted me to read it. Like many other books about war, I will probably get into this book. I have played a video game that belonged to the Splinter Cell series, and I did not like very much. I hope the book is much better.

Splinter Cell Endgame- By David Michaels: I do not know anything about this book. Its another book that my Grandpa has sent me. I do plan to read it soon. I hope that I can get into this book, and that it is written well, as I have been disappointed by a video game based on a different Splinter Cell story.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

From The Titanic

Titanic, believed to be unsinkable, was going down. Coming from the lower deck, I had little time to get to the upper deck. Many of the life boats were leaving, and some people were jumping off the deck, into the freezing water. Death was growing closer, there was no time to save myself. I must blame the captain of the boat the most. He has carelessly drove the Titanic at near full speed on a dark night in waters full of icebergs. When we hit the ice, we failed to send out a warning to all crew members and passengers to evacuate the boat. There also wasn't enough lifeboats to save everyone, and the lifeboats were only half full when they left. The people in the water were left to die, because the lifeboats didn't turn around. For all of the deaths, the captain can not be forgiven.