Tuesday, October 15, 2013

CC-1.2 Education

In a recent article entitled "Americans Doubt the Rigor and Quality of Online Education," Allie Bidwell, the author of the article, informs readers of how online education is accepted.

Online education is known as a flexible way to earn a degree; however, online education is questioned by many. Allie wrote in her article that "the value and format of online education are equal to or better than traditional education, [but] many still doubt its quality." What she is saying is that online education can be just as valuable source to get a degree as traditional learning at a school, but Americans and their employers doubt that the education is as good as classroom education. Many students are able to complete the online courses with a diverse curriculum.

The most questioning of online degrees comes from employers. In paragraph 4, Bidwell said employers "prefer applicants with traditional degrees from average universities over those with an online degree from a top university." Employers feel that students are getting a better education when they attend even an average university rather than if a student got a degree online from the best universities. Some say that online courses require more discipline from a student than someone attending an actual classroom education.

Recently, education has gotten very expensive. Allie stated in paragraph 9 that online programs "offer a more cost-effective route to higher education at a time when tuition is sharply increasing." Online programs, a place to get an online degree, do not cost as much as campus programs. Many students go into debt trying to pay tuitions and most are underemployed or unemployed after graduating.

I personally believe that online education is a great option when a student does not have money to attend a university. Employers should recognize the amount of work that a student puts into getting a degree online. Colleges should increase the quality of online courses and support positive viewing of the degrees by employers.

Online education could eventually become a more popular method of students getting a college degree without going in debt.